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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Writing Your Own ClassLoader

What is a ClassLoader?

Among commercially popular programming languages, the Java language distinguishes itself by running on a Java virtual machine (JVM). This means that compiled programs are expressed in a special, platform-independent format, rather than in the format of the machine they are running on. This format differs from traditional executable program formats in a number of important ways. In particular, a Java program, unlike one written in C or C++, isn't a single executable file, but instead is composed of many individual class files, each of which corresponds to a single Java class. Additionally, these class files are not loaded into memory all at once, but rather are loaded on demand, as needed by the program. The ClassLoader is the part of the JVM that loads classes into memory. The Java ClassLoader, furthermore, is written in the Java language itself. This means that it's easy to create your own ClassLoader without having to understand the finer details of the JVM.

Why write a ClassLoader?

If the JVM has a ClassLoader, then why would you want to write another one? Good question. The default ClassLoader only knows how to load class files from the local filesystem. This is fine for regular situations, when you have your Java program fully compiled and waiting on your computer. But one of the most innovative things about the Java language is that it makes it easy for the JVM to get classes from places other than the local hard drive or network. For example, browsers use a custom ClassLoader to load executable content from a Web site. There are many other ways to get class files. Besides simply loading files from the local disk or from a network, you can use a custom ClassLoader to:

* Automatically verify a digital signature before executing untrusted code

* Transparently decrypt code with a user-supplied password

* Create dynamically built classes customized to the user's specific needs

Anything you can think of to write that can generate Java bytecode can be integrated into your application.

A Custom Class Loader:

The following code is an example of a custom class loader. For details you can go through this PDF Article.

Here is the source code for

// $Id$



A CompilingClassLoader compiles your Java source on-the-fly. It

checks for nonexistent .class files, or .class files that are older

than their corresponding source code.


public class CompilingClassLoader extends ClassLoader


// Given a filename, read the entirety of that file from disk

// and return it as a byte array.

private byte[] getBytes( String filename ) throws IOException {

// Find out the length of the file

File file = new File( filename );

long len = file.length();

// Create an array that's just the right size for the file's

// contents

byte raw[] = new byte[(int)len];

// Open the file

FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream( file );

// Read all of it into the array; if we don't get all,

// then it's an error.

int r = raw );

if (r != len)

throw new IOException( "Can't read all, "+r+" != "+len );

// Don't forget to close the file!


// And finally return the file contents as an array

return raw;


// Spawn a process to compile the java source code file

// specified in the 'javaFile' parameter. Return a true if

// the compilation worked, false otherwise.

private boolean compile( String javaFile ) throws IOException {

// Let the user know what's going on

System.out.println( "CCL: Compiling "+javaFile+"..." );

// Start up the compiler

Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "javac "+javaFile );

// Wait for it to finish running

try {


} catch( InterruptedException ie ) { System.out.println( ie ); }

// Check the return code, in case of a compilation error

int ret = p.exitValue();

// Tell whether the compilation worked

return ret==0;


// The heart of the ClassLoader -- automatically compile

// source as necessary when looking for class files

public Class loadClass( String name, boolean resolve )

throws ClassNotFoundException {

// Our goal is to get a Class object

Class clas = null;

// First, see if we've already dealt with this one

clas = findLoadedClass( name );

//System.out.println( "findLoadedClass: "+clas );

// Create a pathname from the class name

// E.g. java.lang.Object => java/lang/Object

String fileStub = name.replace( '.', '/' );

// Build objects pointing to the source code (.java) and object

// code (.class)

String javaFilename = fileStub+".java";

String classFilename = fileStub+".class";

File javaFile = new File( javaFilename );

File classFile = new File( classFilename );

//System.out.println( "j "+javaFile.lastModified()+" c "+

// classFile.lastModified() );

// First, see if we want to try compiling. We do if (a) there

// is source code, and either (b0) there is no object code,

// or (b1) there is object code, but it's older than the source

if (javaFile.exists() &&

(!classFile.exists() ||

javaFile.lastModified() > classFile.lastModified())) {

try {

// Try to compile it. If this doesn't work, then

// we must declare failure. (It's not good enough to use

// and already-existing, but out-of-date, classfile)

if (!compile( javaFilename ) || !classFile.exists()) {

throw new ClassNotFoundException( "Compile failed: "+javaFilename );


} catch( IOException ie ) {

// Another place where we might come to if we fail

// to compile

throw new ClassNotFoundException( ie.toString() );



// Let's try to load up the raw bytes, assuming they were

// properly compiled, or didn't need to be compiled

try {

// read the bytes

byte raw[] = getBytes( classFilename );

// try to turn them into a class

clas = defineClass( name, raw, 0, raw.length );

} catch( IOException ie ) {

// This is not a failure! If we reach here, it might

// mean that we are dealing with a class in a library,

// such as java.lang.Object


//System.out.println( "defineClass: "+clas );

// Maybe the class is in a library -- try loading

// the normal way

if (clas==null) {

clas = findSystemClass( name );


//System.out.println( "findSystemClass: "+clas );

// Resolve the class, if any, but only if the "resolve"

// flag is set to true

if (resolve && clas != null)

resolveClass( clas );

// If we still don't have a class, it's an error

if (clas == null)

throw new ClassNotFoundException( name );

// Otherwise, return the class

return clas;



Kazi Masudul Alam
Software Engineer